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Transmission Gully Update for AGM 3 May 2016


Lauren McKenzie - Community & Stakeholder Manager, Harald Ullrich - Structure Manager and Sam Aitkenhead - Senior Project Engineer from CPB HEB JV gave an  update which included the following information :-

 Key activities to date have included

  • Environmental protection - catching and relocating fish, eels, geckos
  • Erosion and sediment control - building sediment retention ponds
  • Constructing key access roads
  • Building the underpass at Battle Hill to maintain access for park users - the underpass is 5m x 5m and 30m long and is being built to enable riders on horses to use the underpass
  • Access tracks being built are at either end of the highway i.e. at Paekakariki and Linden but also at Flightys Road and either side of SH58 - one to the north and the largest one to the south called Bradey track and passing behind Whitby.  This is the largest to enable the large machinery and materials to reach the site of the bridges


  • Work on the access tracks at Flightys Road and off SH58 opposite the Lanes Flat main site office will cease over winter
  • A satellite office is being prepared at Flightys Road with the current private way eventually being widened.  The private road status will be removed but the intention is to retain the character of the road.
  • The white matting covering areas is geotextile and is for stabilisation following devegetation.
  • There are challenges associated with the different types of geology with some areas susceptible to liquifaction and therefore needing extensive preparation with undercutting and refilling
  • What to expect next year? - big earthworks!
  • Work on the bridges will begin in the summer of 2016-17 to be ready for the 2020 opening
  • There will be some realignment of SH58 which will eventually pass under the highway via two roundabouts.
  • On Lanes Flat a path is being built alongside the Pauatahanui stream and some wetlands created
  • Traffic coming out of Bradey Road will have no right turn, directing traffic first to the interchange roundabout if they wish to travel east along SH58. This is a safety measure.
  • TG is aiming to be the first road in NZ to achieve a Greenroads Silver Certification - an international measure of sustainability which includes such factors as road surface, runoff, swales, sediment retention
  • There was a reminder to please drive carefully past roadworks – even if it is not obvious that people are working there. This is especially important around site entrances to avoid conflict between construction vehicles and motorists.
  • Lauren acknowledged that there has been little action to date around the website, but this has recently improved.  Work site information is now being put up on the website and the 0800 number is 24/7



  • Is the timetable on track? Yes, overall.  It was slow to get underway but the weather has been kind
  • Is a cycleway allowed for? Yes, the path along Lanes Flat, following the Pauatahanui Stream to Bradey Road will be a shared pathway for cyclists and pedestrians
  • Will the pathway join up with the existing walkway between Whitby and the village? This is currently under discussion between NZTA and PCC
  • What is the time frame for the SH58 interchange? This will take over the four-year time span for the whole project
  • What will be happening to the current site office area on the completion of TG? For a period of 25 years this will be a maintenance yard for the highway as well as the site of a police weigh station (similar to the current one on SH1 at Plimmerton)
  • What will happen regarding the proposed roundabout at Moonshine Road and the links with TG? This is a matter for NZTA as is not linked to Transmission Gully.
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