Porirua City Council has consulted on its Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-51.
The community workshop Council held at the Lighthouse Cinema on Wednesday 21 April left residents with a number of questions that remained unanswered.
Residents were invited to put these questions to Council and PRA coordinated these and a response from Council was received Pauatahanui Residents Q & A on LTP
Council also provided information on the changes to made to the rural rates differential as part of the planning towards the LTP
Proposed Changes to the Rating Policy
Report on the Proposed Changes to the Rating Policy for LTP 2021-2051
Deliberations for the Proposed Changes to the Rating Policy
There is significant investment proposed in key areas over the 30 year planning period. Areas addressed in the plan include essential water infrastructure and maintenance (drinking, waste and storage) - a big cost. Also transport (roads etc) parks, property (new facilities - community centres, cultural art centre), resource recovery (landfill), change, living wage for PCC workers and the village planning funding.
Details on each of the areas proposed and being consulted on can be found in the LTP, including the costs, with associated impacts on city debt and our rates at https://poriruacity.govt.
Paying for the proposed plan will mean significant increases in rates (LTP page 14), specifically for rural residents:
- Rural properties under 50 hectares will have an average increase of 16.66%
- Rural properties over 50 hectares will have an average increase of 10.75%
The PRA put in a submission to represent common views expressed by the community.