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Notice of Proposed Rule Change

 Notice of intention to amend “Rule 21 – Auditor” of the Rules of the Pauatahanui Residents Association Incorporated.

 As a “Tier 4 charity” (with under $125,000 in operating payments), under the new standards effective from 1 April 2015, the PRA is no longer required to appoint an auditor.   PRA is still required to provide a financial report to the Annual General Meeting and to file this along with the Annual Return to the Charities Services. 

 The Committee is proposing to retain the provision to appoint an auditor but to change the PRA rules to enable this to be at the Committee’s discretion rather than mandatory.  At the AGM on 3 May 2016 the Committee will propose to change Rule 21 of the Pauatahanui Residents Association Incorporated.

 Existing Rule 21

“An Auditor shall be appointed to audit the books and accounts of the Association and certify as to the correctness of the annual Statement of Accounts.”

 Proposed New Rule 21

“An Auditor shall be appointed, at the discretion of the Committee, to audit the books and accounts of the Association and certify as to the correctness of the annual Statement of Accounts.”

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